Wednesday, November 4, 2009

tour - columbus

onward toward columbus.  our 4th time there!  tn loves columbus.

also, my pal jen suggested this columbus treat.

already had one of the world's better burger's today in pittsburgh, so must pass.  but just in case anybody else wants to try...

in a mild luv affair, we've wanted to play with puffy areolas for a long time (no, not this normal attribute).  we *think* they will be arriving late tonight, coming to hang & jam after playing a house party.  stoked.

sunsets in western PA for the win.  

being treated to a 2nd night of sensory overload as we drive.  

ps- also always a late bloomer, i'm the oldest living person to discover rilke & be like, "oh.  i see."  

product of a sweet afternoon @ baltimore's red emma's.  more bookstores coming up.  

andrya's driving and we're listening to dark lingo's newest casette.  superior.  (sr)

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