Monday, December 14, 2009

tour- home

Finish line! It actually felt OK rolling up to our hometown, despite the cold cold rain that plagued the city this very night of our return show. Admittedly, and usually, I feel apprehensive at entering this city's gates ... or maybe that's the post tour depression that could soon come knocking?

We would like to thank Secret Project Robot, and all it's collective peeps, who really made it a warm night for us. US Girls too. We highly encourage you all to listen to her upcoming album. And Air Waves, who write some of the most sincere and genuine songs. I sing them for days after hearing. And Total Slackers for your enthusiasm. And the industrious Karen Soskin ... and the effervescent Mike Wolf. And Wolfy for this awesome poster. And maybe you too.

Talk Normal needs a nap. Back soon ... (aa)

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