Monday, December 14, 2009

tour - the music community within 'smaller' towns

Post show talking point with Jon and John of Art Damage >> the music community within 'smaller' towns. I came to the realization that bands, promoters, musicians, artists and creative folks that reside in them wait for touring bands to pass through (if it's music you like to pursue), thus building a show around these touring bands i.e Cincinnati. Meaning there is never a night with just 'local' bands working things out for their friends to bear witness and support (or at least this is the way Arts Damage rolls). Perhaps obvious to you, this blew my mind or didn't really sink in until this penultimate day of tour. Guess I'm so used to NYC shows where it's common to have all 'local' nights. Or many touring bands on a bill. Or all of the above mixed. I am awed and humbled at the perseverance of the people who live in these 'smaller' towns, who stay there even when the current scene is currently uninspired and a music community sometimes meager. Stay strong. (aa)

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